MasterControl Data Migration Challenges

Whether you are implementing a new MasterControl system or looking to increase efficiencies by expanding the use of an existing one, the question of how to extract documents and data from legacy systems in a cost-effective way is always a tricky one. How do you re-purpose that data to meet MasterControl’s import requirements? How do you integrate the implementation process and the migration process to ensure final success? And finally, how do you test or validate the migration?

“While we evaluated doing this internally, the combination of experience, tools and domain expertise made it clear working with Valiance would be done more quickly and with a quality guarantee that our internal teams couldn’t match.”– Executive Director of Clinical IT, Biopharma Consulting Company

MasterControl Migration Software

Valiance works with MasterControl and their customers to provide a cost-effective approach to migrations and migration testing, even for migrations that are relatively small in scale. Valiance provides a complete data migration methodology, backed by years of experience and hundreds of migrations in highly regulated industries, and proven tools to get the job done.

Our TRUseries migration products provide:

  • Support for MasterControl’s InfoCard import formats
  • Support for a wide range of applications (CAPA, BOM management, complaints, document management, LMS, etc.)
  • Compatibility for a wide range of technology platforms for legacy data extraction
  • Proven use in regulatory environments
  • Industry-leading import/export performance
  • Enabled 100% migration testing (no more sampling, no more manual testing)
  • Testing protocols shipped with the product
  • Ability to identify data cleansing requirements early through pre-migration testing
  • Field-level testing with transformations
  • Binary-level verification of migrated content


Case Study: Pharma Migrated Quality Docs from FirstDoc to MasterControl
Case Study: 15 Source Systems into One MasterControl Platform